The JW organisation is by nature revolting!
The problem is that the suckers who support it are indoctrinated each week of their lives to be blindly loyal and not to revolt.
in my mind i see this as a very real situation developing rapidly world wide as these child molestation pay out become public knowledge and can no longer be denied or kept secret from the r&f.
pretty soon the governing body will be the but of many jokes at headquarters and abroad.
they are being caught red handed while robbing the cookie jar.
The JW organisation is by nature revolting!
The problem is that the suckers who support it are indoctrinated each week of their lives to be blindly loyal and not to revolt.
i took the most recent video on "obey" and edited it down to its core.
here tony explains that the decisions of the faithful slave are arrived at "collectively" but are not a "collection" of man made decisions.
it would be comical if it weren't so sad.. tony video.
The fact of the matter is that Big J is not the slightest bit interested in the GB.
There can be no explanation of the method of communication between the two because it's a fiction to start with... and as for them not being chosen yet, what a lark! For not only they are not chosen but the role of the GB has been demoted to just a "theological construct" (or very similar term) according to their busy lawyers a couple of years back, so as to make them untouchable as far as fraud and blame in court cases.
With the bizarre body language of Tight pants Tony who now is looking and acting like a terminal depressive and burdened by the financial problems--- I like what Virgochik suggests; that they are becoming atheists! In practice this could be that one or two of them are waking up to TTATT.
That would be fun.
i wonder if this is true.
lots of people commenting after the article about how it's proof of g#ds blessing.. so if jw.borg ever gets overtaken in the rankings does that mean the blessing has left the building?.
That's a good point Disposable, yet already they might spot that with the financial difficulties, Big J doesn't seem very interested in helping them?
Their world record however is in the same category as their old magazines; the most published but least read. What a waste of effort translating cult-gibberish into all languages.
a careful examination of the historical pagan religious context existing at the time of the genesis of christianity leads any reasonable person to conclude that jesus is just another one of several similar myths..
@Diogenes sister, I’m sorry that Bender makes demands on your brain but you’ve got to agree he is more fun than Jesus?
Here’s where the trouble taking stories on board, certain people not only think they are true but make them sacred as well. This generation will know Bender is a story character but when robots become commonplace, future robots might think he really existed!
Qualitatively, Jesus and Bender both are the product of the human imagination. What a relief it is to give up on the sacred!
@ Perry, your very lengthy referenced material was interesting and informative. Someone here very recently said how when the WTS came up with counter arguments they found it useful as they actually made for a convincing case against the society. I honestly think you have done the same here.
The mythicist position on Jesus is that his story, his persona, has a pagan pedigree which is, as in your proffered document, refuted mainly on the fact that he does not follow all the attributes given to earlier God-men. Of course he does not, that is the nature of story-telling when dispersed linguistically, ethnically and over time. What makes the myth stick however is that although the characters change names and appearance; their function in the mythical plot does not. For example Jesus (outside of JWism) is the son of God but himself a god. This harmonises with the myth; he is born at midwinter (not “of the Virgin” but IN the Virgin of the ancient zodiac) and dies sacrificially at the spring equinox and returns to his solar father in the heavens who is also a Sun god.
These key attributes or tropes are found in all of the earlier sacrificial God-men saviours. The reason being that underneath the familiar story is yet an earlier and more primitive pagan acknowledgement; a universally held mythos from pre-literate, oral tradition. These are based on the meanings and cyclic nature of the constellations of stars, Sun and Moon.
Jesus ultimately is drawn from the annual story of the birth and rising illumination of the Sun through the solar year. Solar gods must die and take the value of their life to redeem mankind by going their way to their solar father in heaven, the reason for this (from the source myth) is from the observable fact that light at the spring equinox appears suddenly to begin to shine much brighter. The explanation given was that the radiant son of the Sun God and his solar father are now ruling together from the heavens in glory.
The Jesus story is nothing other than the solar myth vastly elaborated and dressed up for acceptability as a sacred narrative to the Levantine audience. To remain thinking that it is from God is naive.
so how much would it take to bankrupt the watchtower organization, they're already having to bleed tens of millions to child abuse victims, how much more would it take to bring the society to it's knees, i know at one point they were going to sell off bethel.
... but, they fail to take note of one important detail.. i believe that if we are going to have any chance of reasoning with a jw about blood, this is the place we need to begin.. don't try to convince them that it was only a dietary law.
it wasn't, and they will never go along with it.. don't tell them that saving a life is more important than obeying a law, even a seemingly trivial one.
they take pride in obedience.
at around 4 minutes into the september 2015 video splane said "for the man and the baby to be part of josephs generation they would have had to have lived at least some time during joseph's lifespan.".
this is the lynchpin of the wt argument, that two lives must overlap to be considered the same generation.. let's take an example of twins who are born just a few minutes apart.
obviously, these twins are the same generation as each other.
Reference Splane's exSplaneation I'd just like to introduce a word to the forum (it may have appeared before?) it is "casuistry" and I am using it in its non-philosophical but perjorative sense. It perfectly describes the reaction by the JW org to the 'outing' of their 1914 generation doctrine.
What could they do? If they apologised they would look like charlatans for deceiving millions of people for so long and that would not do the org's image any favours. So they turn to casuistry or clever fudging with partly plausible but misleading explanations over the use of one word. They claim to be teachers (and therefore more reprehensible) and hold millions in their thrall through relentless propaganda through the columns of the Watchtower.
In the Bible the expression "This generation" is unequivocal, it was Jesus' generation. In the NEB, Matthew 24,33 Jesus said "The present generation will live to see it all"... It did not happen... Jesus got it wrong in the first century and that is that. From this failed prophecy of kingdom glory nothing further can be construed. All else is casuistry and most especially is the concept of overlapping generations applied to a future parallel fulfillment of the same event. It is ignorance on wheels.
so, you thought joshua had jehovah on command to make the sun stand still*?
well this week's bible reading shows isaiah at 2 kings 20:11 upstaging joshua!
for the prophet prompted the sun not only to stand still, but to reverse, shadows retracing backward.
If you were given a book of magic realism; would you then go and defend its truthfulness to the death?
Hell's bells! I did once...
i took the most recent video on "obey" and edited it down to its core.
here tony explains that the decisions of the faithful slave are arrived at "collectively" but are not a "collection" of man made decisions.
it would be comical if it weren't so sad.. tony video.
There is a permanent disconnect here; the actual method in the transmitting of information from God to his agents on Earth is never satisfactorily or convincingly explained.
No doubt the question is frequently asked and especially more so since the governing body members are now highly visible, "How does Jehovah direct the GB?" In his attempt to say how, Morris's focus is on the GB's collective opinion and labelling it "from heaven". His body language betrays that he is not convinced himself as he utters this! Never is there mention of any method of information-transmission from God to them.
The unspoken fact is that as a body of governors they simply take a vote. Their voting is not inspired because they vote exclusively to the end that absolutely any and every decision is made towards the financial security and furtherance of the worldly interests of the WTBTS and its legal partners.
"Theocracy" and heaven's involvement is pure fantasy, a sop for the sad punters who call themselves Jehovah's Witnesses.
i'm wondering why ones on this forum initially became jw's.
if you were born in, why did you make it "your own"?
if you became one later, what was your draw and driving force?